Monday, July 18, 2005

Irresponsible Use of Modern Technology

Ah, CGI, the bane of my moviegoing existence.

Don't get me wrong, when used correctly, computer-generated special effects can be awesome. But more often than not, CGI shots are overused and take me out of the movie by screaming "look at me!" and destroying any suspension of disbelief.

And sometimes, the use of CGI is just wrong.

I mean, seriously, there's overuse, and then there's abuse...

Worst abuse of CGI in movie history?
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At 7:30 PM, July 18, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm... Somehow I forgot about "Hollow Man," which features Kevin Bacon's thermographic penis, and a breast being stroked by his invisible hand.

At 7:58 PM, July 18, 2005, Blogger Victor said...

I'd say Star Wars: Special Edition, but Greedo was the least of the CGI pain. What annoys me are all the creatures running around at Mos Eisley, and the little flying robots all over, and the big creatures walking in front of the camera. It was all for the purpose of making the spaceport seem more busy, but it just made the frame more busy. I have to look away whenever they enter the spaceport.

On the flipside, I thought the CGI X-wings at the beginning of the Death Star battle were great and I'd like to see Lucas go back and redo all the spaceships from the Death Star battle.

At 7:16 AM, July 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lindsay Lohan definitely - On my way into the theatre with my 5 yr old, I was lamenting about the movie when I realized that on the bright side, I'd get to see a little bit of jiggle action. I was dissappointed to see less than I expected, even in a G movie. If Disney wants less feminity, then they should have cast a younger (ie flatter) actress.

As for the Hulk - the script was the big problem -



At 10:50 AM, July 19, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know, the CGI model/design of the Hulk just didn't work for me, nor did Ang Lee's "acting" in the motion capture. Or the Hulk's facial expressions. Really, the whole thing just made me miss Lou Ferrigno.

Then again, Eric Bana's portrayal of Banner made me miss Bill Bixby, and Jim Carrey's portrayal of the Riddler made me miss Frank Gorshin, so certainly not all comic book movie problems are CGI-related.

As it is, I flipped through the comic book adaptation of the movie the other day, and noted that it has art by Mark "Ultimate Spider-Man" Bagley, making it possibly the first comic adaptation that looks better than the movie it was based on.

Of course, you're correct about the melodramatic script being the Hulk's biggest problem. If it had been a fun and entertaining movie, I would have forgiven the visuals.

Same with Devlin & Emmerich's "Godzilla" flick. How can 2 movies about giant green monsters of mass destruction not be fun?

At 12:12 PM, July 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was hard to choose since I haven't seen them all, and the ones I have seen all sucked. The two Star Wars movies were really, really bad, but the others were all up there too. Does anyone know how to get a copy of the original Star Wars? I'd like to show it to my step-daughter. She's seen the Special Edition, but it just doesn't seem right to let a kid grow up without knowing the true beauty of the *real* Star Wars.


At 9:58 PM, March 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, now. Go read Rev. Stang's review of Godzilla-98. There was nothing wrong with that picture that better editing couldn't fix.

Okay, granted, you'd have to CGI Broderick out of the picture.


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