Monday, July 25, 2005

Stan Lee Cameos We'd Like To See

I think that Fantastic Four should mark a turning point in Stan Lee's cameo career. In the new movie, Stan appears as Willie Lumpkin, the FF's mailman, an actual character from the comic books -- a big step up from the "man on the street" roles he's had in previous Marvel films, where he's been credited as Man Dodging Debris, Old Man at Crossing, Hot Dog Vendor, etc.

This got me to wondering about Stan's potential cameos in the laundry list of upcoming Marvel adaptations that Avi Arad recently recited. Surely all of these superheroes have someone in their supporting cast that would make a perfect cameo role for The Man. Here are the suggestions from a couple of my comic geek friends:

Jeff writes: Actually the most obvious is Dr. Erskine, the creator of the Super Soldier formula. It would be an extended cameo in the Captain America movie, but if you look at the first Cap comic, the doctor looks a lot like Stan’s current look.

James Carter Holt of the Millennial Planet sent in this list:

Spider-Man 3 - The Man could play the part of the Terrible Tinkerer.

Iron Man - Stan could play the part of the old Vietnamese guy who helped Stark design his original suit of armor. "Death to Wong Chu, Death to the evil tyrant!..." etc. The dialogue would be right up Stan's alley. [That would be "the famed physicist Yin Sen"]

Captain America - Bucky survives, putting the lie to a whole raft of out-of-date Marvel continuity. Without the benefit of suspended animation to preserve his youth, Stan could portray Bucky, who is now Steve Rogers' elder and wants to give him a lot of unwanted advice.

Namor - Stan has the perfect build to portray the Whizzer, Namor's old partner in the All-Winners Squad. [I don't know, I think Stan looks more like the Squadron Supreme's Whizzer, who's even a former postman, like Willie Lumpkin]

Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD - He's maybe a little too old now, but otherwise, Stan could portray the indominable Jasper Sitwell.

The Hulk 2 - Stan = George Herbert Walker Bush, former director of CIA.

Ant-Man - Stan = Janet Van Dyne's father. [Vernon Van Dyne was a colleague of Hank Pym before being murdered by an extraterrestrial]

Black Panther - Stan = T'Challa's houseboy.

My suggestion would be the crime boss Silvermane in the Cloak & Dagger movie. Not really a cameo, I realize, but who wouldn't pay to see a cyborg version of Stan Lee?

Post your suggestions for future Stan Lee cameos in Comments.


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