Thursday, August 04, 2005

From GTA to JLA

This summer Warner Bros. announced that a Justice League of America videogame is in production for the Playstation 2 and the Xbox, and is scheduled to be released in 2006. (You can read the WB Interactive Entertainment press release at IGN).

Described as a "super hero action role-playing game," it will offer players the chance to battle the forces of evil as Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Zatanna. That's right, Zatanna, the second-generation wizard whose super hero costume is a top hat, tuxedo jacket, and fishnets.

Now, I'm not complaining. Zatanna is one of my favorite comics characters, and I think it's cool that she's included in the game along with the movers and shakers of the DC Universe, despite her obscurity. I'm just confused by this statement in the game description:

"Each super hero will possess unique super powers that are character-specific, creating a variety of fighting styles for players to utilize."

Okay, let's see, Zatanna's character-specific super power is the ability to cast magical spells by saying the desired result backwards. For example, if she were ever to encounter Bill O'Reilly, she'd probably tell him to "pu kcuf eht tuhs."

So my confusion arises from the fact that Justice League of America will be a videogame instead of a computer game. How exactly am I going to play Zatanna without a keyboard?


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